Tips for Creating a Strong Grant Application
Follow directions
Read all of the guidelines and directions and be sure to include all of the information asked for, in the format requested.
Write in a simple, direct, and persuasive style
- Don�t assume that the reviewers know anything about your mission, community, or project unless you�ve told them in your application.
- Make sure your ideas are organized and easy to understand.
- Don�t use jargon or other special words that people outside of your field won�t know.
- Spell out abbreviations.
- Express your passion and excitement about your work or project.
- Have someone else proofread your proposal to correct any errors.
Do your homework
- Be able to explain why your project should be important to the funder and how it matches their grant guidelines.
- If others are doing similar work, explain what makes your work unique.
Be as specific as you can
- Use numbers, percentages, and other data.
- Don�t write: �Last year, we served hundreds of developmentally disabled children.� when you can write �Last year, we served 1,235 individuals between the ages of 10 and 16, or more than 27% of all developmentally disabled young people in Brunswick, Bath, and Topsham.�
Slick doesn�t count! Preparation does
A good proposal isn�t just fancy format, paper, or graphics. Good proposals are made of good ideas, lots of planning, and careful work.
Provide a strong and accurate budget
- Whenever possible, show that your project has other forms of support:
- List other grants or sources of funding you have received or are trying to get.
- Don�t forget to include in-kind support.
- Double-check your budget to be sure that it is correct and fully explained.
Tips for creating a strong Project Budget
- Involve financial managers or others with expertise, such as accountants.
- Ask for help if you need it.
- Make sure the numbers in your proposal and your budget agree.
- Use existing budgets as templates.
- Check your math!