Our Impact

- Provides funding to local organizations enabling them to offer new services to their clients
- Creates a nurturing environment for members to establish new friendships and support their community
- Familiarizes members with local non-profits
Recent Grantees
- Elder Abuse Institute of Maine � $6,400 for elder abuse outreach, education, support services & housing
- Midcoast Community Alliance � $7,500 for services for at risk, homeless and/or unaccompanied youth
- Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program � $7,500 for the School Pantry Program for at-risk students
- Midcoast Literacy � $3,000 for English language instruction for New Mainers
- Oasis Free Clinics � $3,000 for telephone interpretation services for non-English speaking clients
- Sweetser � $5,000 for school based mental health therapy for uninsured & underinsured
- Tedford Housing � $5,000 for the Breaking Down Barriers Fund for women and families
- The Emergency Action Network � $6,000 for cell phones for New Mainers asylum group
- The Gathering Place � $4,000 for the services and supplies in daytime shelter
- Wayfinder Schools � $2,600 for Passages, a home-based high school diploma program
- ArtVan � $5,500 for mobile art therapy programs serving youngsters at Perryman Village and for asylum-seeking families at the Landing.
- The Bath Area BackPack Program � $4,000 to purchase weekend and vacation food for children ages 5-18 in RSU1 schools, the Midcoast Youth Center, and Bath YMCA.
- The Elder Abuse Institute of Maine � $7,000 to expand shelter, counseling, coordinating services and advocating for older women who are victims of abuse, neglect, and exploitation in Cumberland County.
- The Gathering Place � $4,000 grant to expand a Winter Readiness Program to include an overnight shelter.
- Harpswell Aging at Home � $5,000 for its Food Program, which provides meals delivered at home rather than in person.
- The Kennebec Estuary Land Trust � $2,200 to run Good Food for Bath, provide leadership in local food security efforts and for emergency needs.
- The Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program � $13,800 for continued support of the School Pantry Program (formerly the Backpack Program) to provide food over the weekend and to support the Merrymeeting Gleaners program.
- Midcoast Youth Center � $7,500 to hire instructors and purchase instruments, materials and supplies for the new music and art component to its Compass After-school Program for homeless youth during after-school hours.
- Oasis Free Clinic � $6,000 to support telephonic interpretation services and purchases of headsets and print health education materials in various languages, as well as occasional assistance with costs for its primary health care, dental, and mental health services.
- Tedford Housing � $5,000 for continued support of its Breaking Down Barriers Fund, which provides the shelter clients with small amounts of money to help them with clothing for job interviews, day care assistance, birth certificates, car repairs, and gas cards.
- ARTVAN: $7,500 to bring healing Art Therapy to under-resourced youth in their home communities.
- BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF BATH/BRUNSWICK: $6,000 to support The Volunteer Recruitment Project to generate more interest in becoming a Big Brother/Sister.
- BRUNSWICK � TOPSHAM LAND TRUST: $8,000 to expand the New Mainers Growing program with new garden beds and increased growing opportunities.
- FAMILY AND COMMUNITY MEDIATION: $7,500 to establish an Outreach Coordinator and Scholarship Program for the midcoast area to support families in need of mediation.
- THE GATHERING PLACE: $5,000 to support the new Direct Service Delivery Program that secures emergency supplies and delivery of food to the homeless.
- GROWING TO GIVE: $5,000 to expand the Growing, Giving, and Learning program to strengthen educational offerings to schoolchildren about solutions to hunger and healthy food.
- HABITAT FOR HUMANITY / 7 RIVERS MAINE: $5,000 to support the ongoing material costs for the Critical Repair and Modification Program for elderly or disabled homeowners.
- INDEPENDENCE ASSOCIATION: $10,000 to fund the New Mainer Hiring Initiative to Support Vulnerable Low-Income Mainers with Disabilities to hire and train New Mainers.
- MID COAST HUNGER PREVENTION PROGRAM: $9,000 to continue support for the School Pantry Program that provides in-school snacks and weekend meals for hungry school-aged children.
- MIDCOAST LITERACY: $3,000 to sustain the Read Together tutoring program for school-age children.
- MIDCOAST YOUTH CENTER: $7,500 to supply the Merrymeeting Support Collaborative for Youth Experiencing Homelessness program with basic care items for homeless youth.
- PEOPLE PLUS BRUNSWICK AREA TEEN CENTER: $4,000 to sustain funding for the Brunswick Area Teen Center to provide afterschool and summer meal programs to disadvantaged youth.
- TEDFORD HOUSING: $5,000 to continue funding for the Breaking Down Barriers Fund to help female clients gain independence.
- ArtVan � $8,000 to support on-site mobile art therapy for under-resourced youth, ages 3-17, who live at Hyde Park and Maritime Apartments in Bath and at Perryman Village in Brunswick.
- Bath Area BackPack Program � $4,000 to purchase pre-packaged food bags for weekends and vacations for approximately 200 school children ages 5-18 in RSU-1 schools in Bath, Woolwich, and Phippsburg.
- Bath Area Family YMCA � $6,000 to create a second Veggie Van bus route within the Bath, West Bath, Woolwich and Phippsburg RSU-1 school district. The new route will reach at least 20 additional families in need.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick � $6,000 to re-establish an after-school High School Big Program, which was suspended during the Covid-9 emergency. At least 32 high school students will mentor younger students attending middle schools in Brunswick, Topsham, and Bath for at least one hour a week during the school year.
- The Gathering Place � $5,000 to support the Direct Service Delivery Program of the only daytime shelter in Greater Brunswick, helping to ensure that no community member falls through the cracks but receives needed assistance, including emergency housing and healthcare.
- Growing to Give � $5,000 in continued funding to support an organic grow-for-donation Farm Program in Brunswick to address food insecurity, build community among volunteers, and provide educational opportunities.
- Habitat for Humanity/7 Rivers � $5,000 for its Critical Home Repair and Modification Program to help 60 local homeowners, who are mostly low-income older adults, with repairs, weatherizing, and home modifications needed to help them remain in their homes.
- I�m Your Neighbor Books � $3,000 to purchase a traveling set of 30 children�s picture books, with teacher/librarian discussion questions to spark conversations about immigration, welcoming, and belonging. There are 80 students in the Brunswick School District registered as multilingual learners, and that number is expected to double in the near future.
- Maine Coast Fishermen�s Association � $5,000 to support an expanded pilot program to determine the feasibility of offering a ready-to-eat option of monkfish stew to the Bath Area Food Bank, MidCoast Hunger Prevention Program, and Freeport Community Services Food Bank, and to schools in our area.
- Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program � $9,000 in continued support for the School Pantry program, which includes in-school pantries at three local schools, take-home backpack bags containing food for four meals, and in-school snacks for teachers to distribute during school hours.
- Midcoast Literacy � $4,000 to expand programs for English language learners (both adults and children), including Workplace Literacy that provides job-specific, on-site English language classes, English language instruction, including one-on-one tutoring for adults and older teens, and Read Together for children ages 6-14.
- MidCoast Youth Center � $7,500 to support direct costs of basic needs (including clothing, haircuts, toiletries, and sports gear) for homeless youth in local school districts through the Merrymeeting Support Collaborative for Youth Experiencing Homelessness.
- Oasis Free Clinics � $8,250 to purchase medical and dental supplies, including 50 blood pressure monitors, prescription and over-the-counter medications, and 25 pairs of eyeglasses for uninsured, low-income residents of Freeport, Brunswick, Harpswell, the Islands, Durham, and Sagadahoc County.
- Oliver Place (NFI North) � $4,750 to create a new �Say YES Fund� for teens living at Oliver Place Children�s Home in Bath. Funding will cover �extras,� such as driver�s ed, clothes for a new job, birthday and holiday gifts, repairs to broken iPhone screens, and recreational trips for which funding is not otherwise available.
- Planned Parenthood of Northern New England � $8,000 for contraceptive and medical supplies intended for low-income patients at the Topsham/Brunswick Health Center.
- Tedford Housing � $5,000 in ongoing funding for its Breaking Down Barriers fund which helps women, girls, and families gain and maintain permanent housing. Funds may be used for birth certificates and application fees, phone cards, car maintenance, and gas cards for interviews.
- TogetHER Invested � $1,500 to underwrite the costs of a Waking Up to Wealth workshop in the fall to help women understand financial literacy essentials and to build healthy financial habits.
- Wayfinder Schools � $5,000 in ongoing support for the Passages Program, an alternative high school aimed at helping at-risk young people and teen parents get a second chance to earn a high school diploma.